January 30, 2008

100 Year Plan of Islamic Extremists

Yeah, I know--this comes as no surprise to anyone, but still...

Islamic extremists have a 100-year plan for world domination, and Americans must be prepared for the long fight, a U.S. Air Force general told East Texans on Monday.

Speaking during a Veterans Day banquet in Big Sandy, Mike McClendon said extremists want to create an economic superpower with the biggest army and strongest currency, and they want half the world's population to reside in an Islamic state.

They plan to gain control of oil reserves and bankrupt Western countries, and they plan to create safe havens throughout the world, including some in Latin America, he said.

"They're willing to go as long as it takes, and they are making progress," said McClendon, who commands the Air Force's Global Cyberspace Integration Center in Virginia.

McClendon's office culled the information from extremist Web sites, he said. The general, a former teacher at the International ALERT Academy in Big Sandy, delivered the findings to about 450 people who attended ALERT's sixth annual Veterans Day event Monday night.

But hey, we should just "have a dialogue" with them, right? I'm sure some Letters of Marque and Reprisal and/or some cultural "understanding" will change their minds. :eyeroll: